Then & Now
curated by Buzz McCall
Then & Now began innocently enough when I approached curator Buzz McCall about the possibility of borrowing some work from the Aldrich Museum, with which he was connected at the time. I can't recall now who or what I was asking about, but as luck would have it, my request just happened to coincide with the Museum's 28th Anniversary and Larry Aldrich's retirement.
The theme for the show, conceived by Dr. Marc Straus, the Museum’s then President, evolved pretty quickly, and 22 artists who'd had either their first, or early museum-career showing at the Aldrich were chosen. Of almost half, we managed to find and present both the actual first piece exhibited (the "Then") as well as a current work by each artist (the "& Now"). It was happy experience all around, and I recall the feeling of a "mutual admiration society" of sorts permeating the air, channeled, I think, by Larry Aldrich's wonderful energy and spirit — even Robert Indiana, mirabile dictu, showed up at the Opening. |